ETSG 2010 Lausanne

Twelfh Annual Conference

9-11 September 2010

Faculty of Business and Economics

University of Lausanne


Parallel Session 1

Room 125

Parallel Session 2

Room 126

Parallel Session 3

Room 129

Parallel Session 4

Room 143

Parallel Session 5

Room 231

Parallel Session 6

Room 232

Parallel Session 7

Room 233

Thursday, 9 September 2010


REGISTRATION, main hall of the “Internef” Building, Faculty of Business and Economics


CONFERENCE OPENING, Room 263 “Jean Barbeyrac” Lecture Theatre                                                                                                    Chair: Ian Wooton

Introductory Remarks, Marius Brülhart

Welcome, John Antonakis (Director, Doctoral School, Faculty of Business and Economics) 


PLENARY SESSION 1, Room 263 “Jean Barbeyrac” Lecture Theatre                                                                               Chair: Marius Brülhart

Mary Amiti, David E. Weinstein

Exports and financial shocks


CONFERENCE BRIEFING, Room 263 “Jean Barbeyrac” Lecture Theatre

Ian Wooton












Francesco Aiello, Paola Cardamone

Analysing the impact of EBA initiative using a gravity model

Tobias Seidel, Peter Egger

Corporate taxes and intra-firm trade

Jasmin Katrin Gröschl, Gabriel Felbermayr

Revisiting the trade-income nexus in the panel: evidence from a new instrument

Jennifer Abel-Koch

Firm size and the choice of export mode

Sebastian Benz, Wilhelm Kohler

Managerial versus production wages: offshoring, country size and endowments

Caroline Paunov, Ana Fernandes

Does trade stimulate innovation? Evidence from firm-product data

Robert F. Owen, Bernard Franck

International migration of brains, educational competition and national interests: a two-country, game-theoretic approach


Pierre Boulanger, Patrick Jomini, Xiao-guang Zhang, Catherine Costa and Michelle Osborne

An economic assessment of removing most market distorting tools of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)

Cynthia Yao, Nori Tarui, Morihiro Yomogida

Trade restrictions and incentives to tax pollution emissions

Torfinn Harding, Anthony J. Venables

Exports, imports and foreign exchange windfalls

Laura Ogliari, Carlo Altomonte

Endogenous markups, international trade and the product mix

Anna Bohnstedt, Christian Schwarz

Strategic technology investments in open economies

Matthew Cole, Ronald B. Davies

Royale with cheese: the effect of globalization on the variety of goods

Nina Heuer

Occupation-specific South-North migration


Maria Cipollina, David Laborde , Luca Salvatici

Trade preferences: a gravity equation approach for a comparison between EU and US trade policies

Eddy Bekkers, Robert Stehrer

Firm heterogeneity in a specific factors model

Michael Henry, Nigel Driffield, Chris Jones

Education or western governance: the beneficial effects of FDI in developing countries

Marion Dovis, Patricia Augier, Olivier Cadot

Imports and TFP at the firm level: the role of absorptive capacity

Ioannis Bournakis, Michela Vecchi

Intangible capital and the pattern of specialisation in the EU

Laura Birg

Pharmaceutical cost-sharing and market integration through parallel trade

Angels Pelegrín, Catalina Bolance

International industry migration and firm characteristics: some evidence from the analysis of firm data


Arastou Khatibi

The signaling power of trade protection

Fang Wei

Strategic trade policy and managerial incentives under international cross ownership

Oliver Lorz, Ramin Dadasov

Mode of entry and endogenous risk of expropriation

Theresa Carpenter

Heterogeneous multinationals and comparative advantage

Albert De Vaal, Nicole Roording

Does horizontal FDI lead to more knowledge spillovers than vertical FDI?

João Cerejeira Employment, exchange rates and labour market rigidity

Michele Ruta, Paolo Giordani

Coordination failures in immigration policy


Federica Demaria, Francesco Aiello

Do trade preferential agreements enhance the exports of developing countries? Evidence from the EU GSP

Ian Wooton, Carl Gaigné

The gains from preferential tax regimes reconsidered

Jan Jakub Michałek, Andrzej Cieślik, Jerzy Mycielski

Social inequalities and international trade

Antoine Berthou, Maria Bas

Access to finance and the margins of imports: firm-level evidence from India

Peter Harasztosi

Export and import spillovers: evidence from Hungary

Maria Garcia-Vega, Elena Huergo

Trust and technology transfers

Jennifer Pedussel Wu, Harry P. Bowen

Gender specific immigration and international trade: its relevance and impact


v Travel, from conference site to WTO Headquarters, Geneva


PLENARY SESSION 2, WTO Headquarters, Auditorium                                                                                                                                 Chair: Joe Francois

The WTO, past and present, Alejandro Jara (Deputy Director-General)

Award of the WTO prize, Patrick Low (Director, Economic Research and Statistics)


Reception, WTO Headquarters

Friday, 10 September 2010










Anne-Celia Disdier, Olivier Cadot, Lionel Fontagné

How provisions on technical barriers to trade in North-South agreements affect South-South trade?

Giuseppe De Feo, Oscar Amerighi

Tax competition for FDI and undesired effects of the non-discrimination principle

Richard Pomfret, Patricia Sourdin

Why do trade costs vary?

Marco Fugazza, Alessandro Nicita

The value of preferential market access

Daniela Maggioni

Productivity dispersion and its determinants: which role for the import penetration?

Martin Davies

Costly technology transfer and foreign direct investment: a trade theoretic approach

Richard Baldwin, Anthony J. Venables

Relocating the value chain:

off-shoring and agglomeration in the global economy


Mathilde Douillet

Do current trade negotiations offer agricultural exports opportunities for Sub-Saharan Africa?

Panos Hatzipanayotou, Nikos Tsakiris, Michael S. Michael

Cross-border pollution and integrated reforms of trade and environmental tax policies in large economies

Mahvash Saeed Qureshi

Trade and thy neighbor’s war

Matthieu Crozet, Federico Trionfetti

Factor-biased heterogeneity and comparative advantage

Bruno Merlevede, Koen Schoors, Mariana Spatareanu

Knowledge spillovers and the timing of foreign entry

Daniel Etzel, Hartmut Egger

Trade between asymmetric countries in unionized general oligopolistic equilibrium

Pinuccia Calia, Maria Rosaria Ferrante

How do firms combine different internationalization modes? A multivariate probit approach


Sophie Drogue, Federica Demaria

Do different regulations in Maximum Residue Levels of pesticides affect trade competitiveness? The case of apples and pears

Glenn Rayp, Bruno Merlevede, Stefan van Parys, Tom Verbeke

Do EU15 countries compete over labour taxes?

Stephan Russek, Michael Pflüger

Business conditions, productivity, and international trade

Adalgiso Amendola, Anna Maria Ferragina, Filippo Reganati, Rosanna Pittiglio

How is the 2007 crisis affecting firm survival? Evidence from Italy

Smaranda Pantea, Richard Kneller, Richard Upward

Does absorptive capacity affect who benefits from international technology transfer?

Marta Arespa, Diego Gruber

Demand shocks, credit crunch and the collapse of international trade

Davide Castellani, Daniel Horgos, Luca De Benedictis

Import penetration versus outsourcing: what really drives the offshoring indices?


Wanda Dugiel

The United States in multipolar trading system

Maurizio Zanardi, Michael O. Moore

Does trade liberalization affect the composition of government spending in developing nations?

Magdalena Słok-Wódkowska, Paweł Folfas

European Union Generalized System of Preferences: an effective tool of intensifying trade and promoting sustainable development?

Michael Gasiorek, Patricia Augier, Stefania Lovo, Gonzalo Varela

Paradoxes of productivity: trade liberalisation and Morocco

Pascalis Raimondos-Møller, Mia Amalie Holstein, Sara L. McGaughey

Technological distance and FDI spillovers: testing absorptive capacity across 8 million firms

Kazumichi Iwasa, Eric W. Bond, Kazuo Nishimura

A dynamic two country Heckscher-Ohlin model with non-homothetic preferences

Robert J. R. Elliott, Matthew Cole, Toshihiro Okubo

Environmental outsourcing: a firm-level study of Japan


Peter Egger, Andrea Leiter, Michael Pfaffermayr

Structural estimation of gravity models with market entry dynamics

Donal Smith, Xiaoheng Zhang, Iulia Siedschlag

What determines the location choice of multinational firms in the ICT sector?

Martin Strieborny, Melise Jaud, Madina Kukenova

Finance, comparative advantage, and resource allocation

Kristian Giesen, Christian Schwarz

Trade, wages, FDI and productivity

Fredrik Sjöholm, Nannan Lundin

Foreign firms, competition, and R&D in China

Ronald W. Jones

Sense and surprise in competitive trade theory

Julia Wörz, Catherine Keppel

The impact of the global recession in Europe: the role of international trade












María Cecilia Gáname

Endogenous protection in a framework with a monopolistic competitive market

Amit Kumar Biswas, Sarbajit Sengupta

Tariffs and imports mis-invoicing under oligopoly

Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann, Barbara Coello, Madior Fall

Trade liberalization and poverty dynamics in Vietnam 2002-2006

Črt Kostevc, Jože P. Damijan, Sašo Polanec

Firm size, financial constraints and non-monotonic export intensity

Thibault Fally, Juan Carluccio

Foreign entry and spillovers with technological incompatibilities in the supply chain

Michael Koch, Hartmut Egger

Trade unions and the scale and scope of multi-product firms

Henrik Barslund Fosse, Madhura Maitra

Breaking down the wage premia of offshoring firms: evidence from the Danish data


Feride Gonel, Baris Nevzat Vardar

Analysis of the relationship between structural change and competitiveness in Turkish leader industries

Marius Brülhart, Kurt Schmidheiny

Competition for firms: zero-sum or positive-sum game?

Massimo Tamberi

A short note on a possible bias in structural change analysis

Bohdan Kukharskyy, Michael Pflüger

Relational contracts, persistent performance differences and international trade

Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz, Aleksandra Parteka

Market size, competitiveness and technological frontier: impact of trade integration with the EU on productivity in manufacturing sectors

James R. Markusen

Putting per-capita income back into trade theory

Nuria Gómez Sanz, Francisco José Pérez Pliego, Luis Antonio López Santiago , María Ángeles Tobarra Gómez

Offshoring and productivity in Spanish industry


Ruth Hoekstra, Matthias Busse, Jens Koeniger

The impact of trade facilitation on the costs of trading

Karen Crabbe, Karolien De Bruyne

Taxes, agglomeration rents and location decisions of firms

Beata Udvari

Effects of aid for trade on trade performance

Ben Li

Firm heterogeneity, technology transfer, and incompatibility: on the choice of production regime across borders

Hildegunn Stokke, Jørn Rattsø

Trade policy in a growth model with technology gap dynamics and simulations for South Africa

Katrin Peters, Monika Schnitzer

Innovation, trade liberalization and financing constraints: why “opening up” may fail to promote growth

José Luis Groizard, Priya Ranjan, Jose Antonio Rodriguez Lopez

Trade liberalization and job flows


Cecilia Hornok, Miklos Koren

Administrative barriers to trade

Ron Davies, Lourenco S. Paz

Tariffs versus VAT in the presence of heterogeneous firms and an informal sector

Mariana Vijil, Laurent Wagner

Does aid for trade enhance export performance? Investigating on the infrastructure channel

Helena Marques, Lluis Bru, José Luis Groizard

Heterogeneous firms and comparative advantage: evidence from Spanish firms (1990-2008)

Priit Vahter

Does FDI spur innovation, productivity and knowledge sourcing by incumbent firms? Evidence from manufacturing industry in Estonia

Michał Przybyliński

The impact of external prices on short term competitive position

Andreas Hoefele

Offshoring and growth with two factors


Douglas Irwin, Barry Eichengreen

The slide to protectionism in the Great Depression: who succumbed and why?

Francesca Sanna-Randaccio, Roberta Sestini

The impact of unilateral climate policy with endogenous plant location and market size asymmetry

Artur Klimek

Greenfield foreign direct investment versus cross-border mergers and acquisitions: evidence of multinational firms from emerging countries

Florian Mayneris

Entry on export markets, credit constraints and firm-level productivity growth

Eike Berner

Different income, different exchange rate pass-through? Evidence from German consumption data

Raymond Riezman, Eric Bond, Ping Wang

Trade, urbanization and capital accumulation in a labor surplus economy

Daniel Horgos, Lucia Tajoli

How offshoring can affect the industries’ skill composition



(Meeting of ETSG Scientific Committee, location to be announced)


CHAIR JACQUEMIN PRIZE 2010, Room 263 “Jean Barbeyrac” Lecture Theatre                                                                Chair: Maurizio Zanardi

Hylke Vandenbussche

Presentation of prize for best paper on "Heterogeneous Firms and Trade Policy"










Ina Charlotte Jäkel, Marcel Smolka

Stolper-Samuelson effects and protectionist attitudes: an empirical analysis for lower and higher dimensions

Yabuuchi Shigemi

Equity control of multinational firms: effects on income distribution and wage inequality in host countries

Kangning Xu, Shumei Chen, Jun Shao

Curse or blessing: a new perspective on natural resources for developing countries

Giordano Mion, Hylke Vandenbussche, Linke Zhu

Trade with China and skill upgrading: evidence from Belgian firm-level data

Dimitra Petropoulou

The role of information costs in direct and intermediated trade

Eric Toulemonde

Bilingualism and location of economic activity

Jaewon Jung, Jean Mercenier

Offshore outsourcing, technology upgrading and welfare in a two-sector North-South model


Melise Jaud

Do food scares explain supplier concentration? An analysis of EU agri-food imports

Line Tøndel Skaldebø, Ragnhild Balsvik

Information sharing as location advantage: evidence from Norwegian FDI

Maite Alguacil, Ana Cuadros, Vicente Orts

Inward FDI and growth: the role of macroeconomic and institutional environment

Marcella Nicolini, Carlo Altomonte

Markups, competition, and the speed of adjustment

Elisabeth Christen, Joseph Francois

Modes of delivery in services

Peter A. G. van Bergeijk

Let's assume the WTO is wrong: 6+1 hypotheses that may or may not explain the world trade collapse

Richard Kneller, Liza Jabbour

Input characteristics and the mode of offshoring: evidence for French firms


Marie-Agnès Jouanjean, Alexandre Le Vernoy

Trade and SPS regulations: the importance of being Earnest?

Marcel Smolka

Global sourcing under payoff uncertainty

Kenan Bagci

Export diversification and productivity growth

Antonella Nocco

Selection, market size and international integration: do vertical linkages play a role?

Marcelo Fukushima, Yuji Matsuoka

Time zones, shift working and international outsourcing

Ana-Maria Vasilache, Joseph Francois

Gravity and the price of distance

Suzanne Kok

Agglomeration within the fragmentation process, empirical insight


Benjamin Jung

Is there a case for subsidizing entry in Melitz-type models?

Michaela Trax

Productivity and the internationalization of firms: cross-border acquisitions versus greenfield investments

María Virginia Mattheus, Alberto Martin Diaz Cafferata

Co-movements in terms of trade volatility in land-abundant countries

Mathieu Parenti

Trade under oligopolistic competition with a monopolistically competitive fringe

Amélie Guillin

Trade in services and regional trade agreements: do negotiations on services have to be specific?

Rolf Weder, Simone Wyss

International trade and unemployment: an investigation of the Swiss case

Alessia Lo Turco, Daniela Maggioni

Offshoring to high and low income countries and the labour demand of Italian manufacturing firms


Paola Conconi, Giovanni Facchini, Max Steinhardt, Maurizio Zanardi

Open to goods, closed to people?

Nathapornpan Piyaareekul Uttama

Theoretical and empirical implications of foreign direct investment in services: application to ASEAN countriesu

Steffen Groening, Matthias Busse

The curse of resources revisited: a panel analysis on resource extensive trade

Ferdinand Rauch, Leonardo Iacovone, Alan L. Winters

Trade as engine of creative destruction: the Mexican experience with Chinese competition

Carolina Lennon, Robert Stehrer

Competition in manufacturing and use of producer services

Gerald Willmann, Emily Blanchard

Trade, education, and the shrinking middle class

Fabiola Lopez-Gomez

Producing for the North: characteristics of outsourcing firms involved in outsourcing as suppliers in the Mexican manufacturing industry












Taiju Kitano

Did temporary protection induce technology adoption? A study of the US motorcycle industry

Monika Wyrzykowska

Role of transnational corporations in the international trade

Tibor Besedes, Thomas J. Prusa

The role of extensive and intensive margins and export growth

Armando Rungi

Productivities and comparative advantages: a multilevel model approach

Erik van der Marel

What determines services TFP: services trade or services-trade regulation?

Lisa Anouliès

The effect of trade integration on local and global pollution

Kiflu Gedefe Molla

The role of foreign exchange rates in offshoring: industry level evidence from Sweden


Jane Korinek, Patricia Sourdin

The availability and cost of short-term trade finance and its impact on trade

Udo Kreickemeier, Harmut Egger

Why foreign ownership may be good for you

Leonardo Iacovone, Olivier Cadot, Denisse Pierola, Ferdinand Rauch

Success and failure of African exporters

Philipp J.H. Schröder, Allan Sørensen

Firm exit, technological progress and trade

Anna Maria Pinna

Visiting a country and buying its products

Carmen Álvarez-Albelo, Raúl Hernández-Martín

Commons and anti-commons problems in a tourism economy

Eliza Przezdziecka, Andzelika Kuznar

Is offshoring the driving force behind export?


David Kucera, Leanne Roncolato, Erik Von Uexkul

Trade contraction in the global crisis: employment and inequality effects in India and South Africa

Peter Neary, Monika Mrázová

Firm selection into export-platform foreign direct investment

Luca De Benedictis

Africa in the world trade network. persistence, change and the aftermath of the global financial crisis

Armando Nogueira Silva, Óscar J. Atanázio Afonso, Ana P. Africano Silva

International trade involvement and performance of Portuguese manufacturing firms: causal links

Loriane Py, Anders Akerman

Service outsourcing and specialisation: a theory based on endogenous task scope

Jota Ishikawa, Kazuharu Kiyono, Morihiro Yomogida

Is international emission trading beneficial?

Hugo Rojas-Romagosa, Bas Straathof

Wage polarization in trade-in-tasks models


Sajal Lahiri

Blood diamond: international policy options for conflict resolution

Jørgen Ulff-Møller Nielsen, Ingo Geischecker, Konrad Pawlik

How important is export-platform FDI? Evidence from multinational activities in Poland

Manuel Caldeira Cabral, Paula Veiga

Corruption or distance to market: which limits more export diversification and sophistication in the developing countries?

Chahir Zaki

On trade policy and wage inequality in Egypt: evidence from microeconomic data

Oleksandr Shepotylo, Volodymyr Vakhitov

Impact of services liberalization on firm performance: evidence from the Ukrainian firm-level data

Olga Kiuila

Decomposition of foreign trade in terms of new environmental policy: a CGE model for the Czech Republic

Steffen Sirries, Christoph Moser, Dieter Urban

Offshoring and home country employment: comparing offshoring measures




Valentina Raimondi, Margherita Scoppola, Alessandro Olper

Preference erosion and the developing country exports to the EU: a dynamic panel gravity approach

Dermot Leahy, Catia Montagna

Economizing, strategizing and the decision to outsource

Chiara Del Bo, Elisa Borghi

Foreign ownership, institutions and productivity

Allan Sørensen

Welfare effects of trade liberalization with intra-industry reallocations: the importance of preferences and market failures

Anirudh Shingal

Do trade agreements matter for services trade?

Svetlana Batrakova, Ronald B. Davies

Is there an environmental benefit to being an exporter? Evidence from firm-level data

Julia Spies, Alireza Naghavi, Farid Toubal

International sourcing, technological complexity, and intellectual property rights protection


Donald MacLaren, Peter John Lloyd

Partial and general equilibrium measures of trade restrictiveness

Svetlana Ledyaeva, Päivi Karhunen, Riitta Kosonen

Location choice of Chinese, Japanese and the US FDI in Russia: do cross-country agglomeration effects matter?

Corinne Bagoulla, Nicolas Péridy, Ahmed Ghoneim

Regional integration and the other determinants of North-South industrial location: an application to the Euro-Mediterranean area

Roman Stöllinger, Johannes Pöschl, Robert Stehrer

How robust is the export premium?

Lucia Tajoli, Novella Bottini

Does the interaction between services & manufacturing explain observed export specialisation? Evidence from Italy & other EU countries

Laixun Zhao, Tetsu Haruyama

Wind direction and pollution policy under international outsourcing

Farid Toubal, Fergal J. McCann, Pamela Bombarda

Competition and restructuring in the services sector


Sami Bensassi, Laura Marquez, Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso

Economic integration and the two margins of trade: an application to the Euro-Mediterranean agreements

Philipp Meinen

The knowledge-capital model: empirical fit and endogeneity concerns

Gábor Békés, Péter Harasztosi

Cities never forget: the role of first geography, labour quality, historical instruments in measuring agglomeration premium

Christian Volpe Martincus, Jerónimo Carballo, Pablo García

Unbridging countries: Are there distributional effects on international trade?

Daniela Persin

Market access for small versus large service enterprises: the preferential and multilateral trade liberalization tracks compared

Kenji Kondoh, Shigemi Yabuuchi

Unemployment, environmental policy and international migration


Elisa Gerussi, Chiara Franco

Trade, FDI and income inequality: further evidence from Central and Eastern European countries


Reception, Olympic Museum, quai d'Ouchy 1

Saturday, 11 September 2010










Will Martin, Sebastien Jean, David Laborde

The political costs of trade reform

Filomena Pietrovito, Alberto Franco Pozzolo, Luca Salvatici

Exports and FDI: a panel data analysis

Gianluca Cafiso

Geographic concentration and trade costs: a home market effect perspective

Vanessa Strauss-Kahn, Maria Bas

Diversification of imported inputs and the margins of exports: firm level evidence from France

Andrea Ariu, Giordano Mion

Trade in services: IT and task content

Kozo Kiyota

Many-cone world?

Pär Hansson, Kent Eliasson, Markus Lindvert

Jobs and exposure to international trade within the service sector


Steve McCorriston, Donald MacLaren

Domestic and trade policy equivalences of state trading importers

Steven Poelhekke, Frederick van der Ploeg

Foreign direct investment and natural resources

Abel Fernández, Iván Arribas, Emili Tortosa-Ausina

Testing the trade diversion hypothesis: the case of the European Union

Michele Imbruno

Internationalization, economic performance and the role of market integration: firm-level evidence from Italy

Jaime F. Campos

Incentives to product innovation in presence of multinational corporations and optimal domestic R&D policy

Nicole Andréa Mathys, Reyer Gerlagh

Energy abundance, trade and industry location

Toshihiro Ichida

Globalization and the rise of temporary worker unemployment in Japan


Ana Cristina Molina, Maurizio Bussolo, Leonardo Iacovone

The DR-CAFTA and the extensive margin: a firm-level analysis

Laura Resmini, Laura Casi

The spatial distribution of FDI across European regions: winners and losers

Rikard Forslid, Toshihiro Okubo

Regional sorting and sector-specific delocation

Xiaoyu Tian, Robert Elliott

Sequential exporting: China as a launch pad and crash site

Anne Boring

The Impact of TRIPS and TRIPS-Plus on the United States’ trade of pharmaceuticals

Marcin Jerzy Menkes, Paweł Folfas

International trade regulations and the tragedy of commons: theoretical approach to consumers’ surplus

Marion Jansen, Scott McDonald, Erik von Uexkull

The impact of crisis-related changes in trade flows on employment, incomes, regional and sectoral development in Brazil


Veronika Movchan, Volodymyr Shportyuk

Core non-tariff measures and country welfare: analysis with the CGE model for Ukraine

Jens Königer, Matthias Busse, Peter Nunnenkamp

FDI promotion through bilateral investment treaties: more than a bit?

Astrid Martina Krenz

Services sectors’ agglomeration and its interdependence with industrial agglomeration in the European Union

Dietel Urban, Mario Larch, Pehr-Johan Norbäck

Globalization and the Distance Puzzle

Iulia Siedschlag, Xiaoheng Zhang, Brian Cahill

Internationalisation of firms, innovation and productivity

Katrin Rehdanz, Alvaro Calzadilla, Richard S. J. Tol

The impacts of climate change and trade liberalization on global agriculture

Michela Limardi, Lionel Fontagné

The ambiguous outcome of NGOs’ activism in developing countries


Lars Nilsson

Inside the world of EU import tariff regimes: from concepts to practical application

Kemal Türkcan, Yushi Yoshida

Extensive and intensive margins of US auto industry trade

Tomasz Michalski

Multistage production, cost linkages and the suboptimal location of firms

Ilke Van Beveren, Marialuz Moreno Badia

Structural rigidities, import competition and firm-level productivity

Mina Kim, Hugette Sun, Shintaro Yamaguchi

Firm-level response to the creation of a free trade agreement

Magdalene Silberberger Matthias Busse

Effects of openness and trade in pollutive industries on stringency of environmental regulations

Christoph Moser, Michael W. Klein, Dieter Urban

The skill structure of the export wage premium: evidence from German manufacturing












Honorata Nyga-Lukaszewska

Do existing trade ties matter when we trade energy? Study of natural gas trade dependence: Polish–German–Russian triangle

Nikolaos Antonakakis, Gabriele Tondl

Do determinants of FDI to developing countries differ among OECD countries? Insights from a Bayesian panel data approach

Katarzyna Śledziewska

What does motivate UE to sign regional agreements?

Xufei Zhang, Zhihong Yu

Exchange rate pass-through into Chinese export prices: evidence from firm-transaction level trade data

David Córcoles-González, Angela Triguero-Cano

Understanding the innovation: an analysis of persistence for Spanish manufacturing firms

Jean-Marie Grether, Nicole A. Mathys

Measuring the pollution terms of trade with technique effects

Luca David Opromolla, Giordano Mion

Managers’ mobility, trade status, and wages


Cosimo Beverelli, Madina Kukenova, Nadia Rocha

Are you experienced? Survival of trade relations after banking crises

Cagatay Bircan

Optimal degree of foreign ownership under uncertainty

Paola Cardamone, Margherita Scoppola

The impact of EU preferential trade agreements on foreign direct investment

Andrei Zlate, Brahima Coulibaly, Horacio Sapriza

Credit and international trade during the recent financial crisis

Laura Casi, Roberto Mavilia

Trade and innovation dynamics of French manufacturing firms: an empirical analysis

Chrysostomos Tabakis, Costas Hadjiyiannis, Doruk Iris

International environmental cooperation under fairness and reciprocity

Aleksandra Parteka

Does trade influence skilled-unskilled wage inequality in the enlarged EU? Industry level investigation


Hiro Lee

The EU-Korea FTA and the relative competitiveness of Korean firms in the European Market

Martijn Boermans

Productivity gains from exporting and their destination and intensity effects: evidence from African firms

Juyoung Cheong, Kar-Yiu Wong

Free trade area and welfare change: is a bigger trade diversion more detrimental?

Jan Hagemejer, Andrzej Cieslik

Firm level evidence on the export performance of Polish firms: the role of multinationals

Leticia Blázquez, Carmen Diaz-Mora, Rosario Gandoy

European automotive networks: a parts and components trade perspective

Maria Angeles Tobarra, Maria Angeles Cadarso, Nuria Gomez, Luis Antonio Lopez, Jorge Enrique Zafrilla

International trade and shared environmental responsibility in Spain

Stefano Federico

Industry dynamics and competition from low-wage countries: evidence on Italy


D. Tripati Rao, Krishna Mahale

Dynamics of growth in India’s services exports

Rita Cappariello

The implications of international outsourcing on employment: estimates for the Italian manufacturing industry

Elżbieta Czarny, Katarzyna Śledziewska, Bartosz Witkowski

Does monetary integration affect EU’s trade?

Alejandro Riaño

The decision to export and the volatility of sales

Sanne Hiller

The export promoting effect of emigration

Morihiro Yomogida, Nori Tarui

Carbon-content tariffs in international oligopoly

Lukasz Ambroziak

The foreign direct investments as a factor of intra-industry trade development in the EU New Member States


Joseph F. Francois

Who trades with who?

David Collie, Vo Phuong Mai Le

Product differentiation and foreign direct investment under oligopoly

Harry P Bowen, Haris Munandar, Jean-Marie Viaene

How integrated is the world economy?

Fabrice Defever, Benedikt Heid, Mario Larch

Spatial export dynamics

Karolien De Bruyne, Karen Crabbé

Different location determinants for different investment types in Europe

Emanuele Bacchiega, Antonio Minniti, Arsen Palestini

Quality choice and intra-industry trade





WTO PRESENTATIONS, Room 263 “Jean Barbeyrac” Lecture Theatre                                                                             Chair: Ian Wooton 

Michele Ruta

World Trade Report 2010










Laura Rovegno

The impact of trade restrictions on exporters markups: evidence from AD against South Korea

Anthony Creane, Kaz Miyagiwa

Exporting versus foreign direct investment: learning through propinquity

Paweł Folfas

The intensity of bilateral relations in intra-UE trade and direct investments: analysis of variance and correlation

Christian Gormsen

Beyond the unobservable: inferred openness to foreign direct investment and migration

Anders Akerman

A theory on the role of wholesalers in international trade based on economies of scope

Ignat Stepanok

Trade with R&D costs to entering foreign markets

Elisa Borghi

International trade and gross job flows


Marcella Scrimitore, Alessandra Chirco

Price competition in international mixed oligopolies

Maria Rosaria Ferrante, Marzia Freo

Measuring the “net” productivity premium of internationalized firms: a quantile regression decomposition approach

Karen Jackson

Reconsidering the Silk Road: tourism in the context of regionalism and trade patterns

Sandra Hanslin, Josef Falkinger

Public sector growth: the role of globalization

Roberta Piermartini, Rainer Lanz, Elisa Gamberoni

Timeliness, product contractability and trade in intermediate goods

Francesco Di Comite, Jacques-François Thisse, Hylke Vandenbussche

Verti-zontal differentiation in monopolistic competition

Fabienne Boudier, Julie Lochard

How do cross-border mergers and acquisitions answer to deregulation in network services?


Christian Soegaard

Inter-industry capital mobility and the political economy of trade liberalisation

Armando Jose Garcia Pires

FDI, R&D and endogenous productivity

Sangeeta Khorana, Thanos Verousis, Nicholas Perdikis

Perceptions of export problems in EU-India trade: evidence from small and medium firms

Santosh Joshi

Estimating import demand system: a generalized maximum entropy method

Yuliya Shakurova

Horizontal and vertical export diversification: propagation effects in export decision

Gulcin Elif Eric, Saime Suna Kayam

Does export market determine the quality of traded goods? Evidence from bilateral intra-industry trade of Turkey

Nils Herger, Christos Kotsogiannis, Steve McCorriston

Taxes and horizontal and vertical FDI: evidence from US cross-border acquisitions


Hylke Vandenbussche, Jozef Konings

Antidumping protection hurts exporters: firm-level evidence

Selen Sarisoy Guerin

Do European Union’s bilateral investment treaties matter? The way forward after Lisbon

Elena Besedina

Do me a favor: vote trading in the Ukrainian Parliament

Eleni Kaditi

Market dynamics in food supply chains: the impact of globalization and consolidation on firms’ mark-ups

Klimis Vogiatzoglou

Vertical specialization and export performance in ICT goods

Lisandra Flach

The determinants of firm-product price variation across countries: sorting out the mark-up and the quality effect

Carlo Altomonte, Italo Colantone, Enrico Pennings

International trade with heterogeneous firms and asymmetric product varieties


Pierre-Louis Vézina

Race-to-the-bottom tariff cutting'

Laura Hering, Tomohiko Inui, Sandra Poncet

The elusive impact of investing abroad for Japanese parent firms: can disaggregation according to FDI motives help?

Zhanna Kapsalyamova,
I-Tsung Tsai

Trade and environment: a two-country model

Michaela Kesina, Peter Egger

Financial constraints and exports: evidence from Chinese firms

Anca Monika Voicu, Inmaculada Martinez Zarzoso, Martina Vidovic

CEECs integration into regional and global production networks

Sophie Hatte, Matthieu Crozet, Soledad Zignago

Quality versus price competition across countries and industries

Jan Van Hove

Import competition and the direction of European product-level exports












Christian Viegelahn, Hylke Vandenbussche

Indian antidumping policy and its impact on the markups of domestic firms

Tadashi Ito

Export platform foreign direct investment: theory and evidence

Stephan Rudolph

Computing multilateral resistances of trading countries

Danny McGowan, David Greenaway, Chris Milner

Trade costs: a source of comparative advantage?

João Amador

Is the world spinning faster? Assessing the dynamics of export specialization

Julien Martin, Isabelle Méjean

Low-wage countries’ competition and quality upgrading: firm-level evidence



Monika Mrázová

Trade negotiations when profits matter: insights from oligopoly

Saime Suna Kayam, Mehtap Hisarciklilar, Mehmet Ozgur Kayalica

Spoilt for choice: explaining the location choice of Turkish transnationals

Patryk Emanuel Toporowski

The post-accession patterns of intra-industry trade between New Member States and EU-15: why so different?

Lukas Mohler, Ulf Lewrick, Rolf Weder

Trade in variety and domestic production

Aristea Gkagka, Grigoris Zarotiadis

Growth and EU trade relations: a case study

Kiyoshi Matsubara

Product quality in different markets and cost



Tristan Kohl

GATT/WTO membership and its effect on trade: new and firmer evidence

Sangho Kim

Productivity and timing of foreign direct investment: evidence from Korean FDI in China

Robinson Kruse, Sanne Hiller

Milestones of European integration: which matters most for trade openness?

Daniel Nguyen, Georg Schaur

Cost linkages transmit volatility across markets

Madina Kukenova

Equity market liberalization and efficiency of capital allocation

Karin Olofsdotter, Joakim Gullstrand, Susanna Thede

Markups and firm-product price variation across export destinations



Silvia Nenci, Pierluigi Montalbano

Trade patterns and trade clusters: the impact of CIBS on the multilateral trading system

Christian Schwarz, Jens Südekum

Global sourcing of complex production processes

Mark Melatos, Stephanie Dunn

Flexibility in trade bloc design

John Romalis, Jonanthan Eaton, Sam Kortum, Brent Neiman

Trade and the global recession

Zheng Wang, Richard Upward, Jinghai Zheng

Weighing China’s export basket: an account of the Chinese export boom, 2000–2007

Anže Burger, Aljaž Kunčič

In vino veritas: wine prices in Slovenia



Kevin Staub

Estimation of trade effects at country margins

 Jens Wrona, Wilhem Kohler

Offshoring tasks, yet creating jobs?

Andreas Fuchs, Nils-Hendrik Klann

Paying a visit: is there a ‘Dalai Lama’ effect on international trade?

Katheryn N. Russ, Beatriz De Blas

Multinational firms and trade: geography versus market power

Antonello Zanfei, Alfredo Jimenez Palmero, Davide Castellani

The gravity of R&D






PLENARY SESSION 3, Room 263 “Jean Barbeyrac” Lecture Theatre                                                                               Chair: Joe Francois

WTO prizewinner

Notes:    Name of paper presenter appears first and is in boldface.

             In parallel sessions, the last presenter will take the chair.

             Times of presentations are subject to change up until the conference itself.
Check the time of your presentation on arrival at the conference.


Version: 07/09/2010